Anti Phishing Tools


This page aims at providing some hints on how to address the Online Identity Theft issue using home made tools.

This document aims at providing answers to two types of readers:
 •  the curious reader, who wants to make up his mind on which type of security protection may be used based on his requirements, and on which protection fields are rated as mandatory.
 •  the security aware reader, who is looking for a pragmatic analysis, as each solution is rated according to the protection level it offers, how it achieves it, the evolution of this type of solution, along with the evolution of threats against these solutions.

New security surveys are published almost on a weekly basis, and they all show an ever increasing number of phishing attacks.
Although the most commonly targeted brands have already deployed some mechanisms to secure the authentication process of their users and customers, others that have a lower visibility surface may not have taken appropriate measures yet.

Big companies can afford to purchase expensive solutions to enhance the feeeling of security to their customers. But smaller companies cannot … although thay may quickly become phishing targets. The latest security surveys and phishing analysis trends demonstrated that fraudsters already began to address smaller financial institutions or subsidiaries.

This is why I decided to publish this page with a comprehensive review of some home-made and free or open-source solutions. Some are dedicated to fighting fraud, other will only address detection …

I do not pretend to do a better job than companies that have commercial anti-phishing services.
I just want to try to help a wide range of security conscious people such as business line unit managers, CSOs/CISOs, IT staff, developers … when it comes to choosing an anti-phishing solution.

So, do not blame me if one of the solutions is not fully operational off-the-shelf, or does not fully meet your requirements.
Some of the tools mentioned below, are proof-of-concepts rather than fully functional packaged applications.

At a glance

We can classify the tools in the following array. Click a solution for details.

Interest Solution  Protection against... Detection... Ease to install
User usage
    funds transfert simple phishing MITM phishing ISP pharming trojan keylogger advanced trojan before-fraud after-fraud
By user
By user
By Corp
PVK - Protected Virtual Keypad            
By Corp
By Corp
By user
EPAY - Electronic Payment Application for You  
By user
By Corp
By user

Protection against fraud has been chosen as a key factor, but the reader any other one, if he rates it as being more important.


Colors refers to the following levels
protection : good —— easyness : easy —— user usage : easy or transparent
protection : correct —— easyness : medium —— user usage : not so simple
protection : medium —— easyness : difficult —— user usage : hard
protection : poor —— easyness : hard —— user usage : unapropriate
Not applicable. Several solutions do not aim at covering all fields. So a "N/A" is used

"Corp" refers to corporate users
"Home" refers to home-users

When "s1" or "s2" are used, it means that this tool can be used in two different solutions, e.g. "solution_1" and "solution_s2"


The very first column is my own point of vue on solutions proposed. This appreciation is the result of different ratings obtained by a tool/solution melted with my own perception. The interest can be :
: a must look solution
: requires having a look
: interesting solution that can be useful
When no star is present, this doesn't mean the solution is useless, but rather than it can be quite complicated to deploy this solution.

Protection categories

Protection against funds transfert : This category applies for banks only since it focus on protecting the customer money from not being moved away from his account. Many banks will decide to rate this protection as the most important one since it's the only mandatory way of acomplishing a fraud. A bank can accept that a phisher connects to a user account as soon as he can steal nothing.

Protection against simple phishing : Here we address a protection against malicious websites reproducing part of the original banking portal. The technique the fraudsters use is quite simple : get banking pages you want, modify them a little to get back the credentials, place it on a bot (or on a server with typosquatting dns name), complete with a spam campaign and you've got it.

Protection against Man In The Middle phishing : This protection addresses a scenario which at first glance looks like the previous one. There is still a phishing site where the customer wants to connects (link in spam) but this time, the phishing is not the end-point any more, it's used as a transparent proxy. Requests arrive on the phishing proxy and it reemits them to the real server as if it was the legitimate user. This technique is used for One Time Password bypass for instance.

Protection against ISP pharming : Quite difficult nowadays, ISP pharming  means that ISP DNS servers are vulnerable to DNS cache poisonning. This can be observed  either with old DNS server versions or with a high amount of fake return request. If the first option seems to be quite scarce nowadays, the second one may still happen under certain conditions (DNS server bad configuration & botnet mass response attack)  where the birthday attack can also help.

Protection against trojan keylogger : Everyone is now accustomed with those malicious tools. Keyloggers will focus on capturing eveything you do : pressed keys, mouse click postions (possibilities go further than keyboard capture). When combined with a simple login/password access, keyloggers can have devastative effects.

Protection against advance trojan : This category is a all-in-one. Thus, many kind of advanced trojans exist : some may behave as rootkits, running stealthy and deep in you operating system, some may hook Internet Explorer when form posting or SSL warning is called. Some will also have a backdoor integrated so that an attacker can virtually seat on your desktop and use your accounts.

Detection before fraud : Sometimes it's possible to detect that a phishing site is to be used soon but since spam campaign has not been launched, it's still possible for staff to react. Tools can help to achieve this goal, but the more phishing attacks will address small companies, the more they will be undetectable. Two kinds of people can detect something strange before fraud : the user (although it's not so sure he will warn you...) and the security staff.

Detection after fraud : Most of the time, customer detects a mistake on his account or is suspicious on a mail, then he may call his hotline. In this case, fraud already took place. It's too late already. But it's still urgent to react to prevent other customer to be attracted in the fraud system. Some tools can also help identifying fraud rapidly. Two kinds  of people can detect something strange after fraud : the user (this time, he's fast to call) and the security staff.

Ease to install : All security tools require to be installed somewhere : on the user operating system, on the user browser, on an internet server, on the front portal, in backoffice systems.... Depending on the tool, it may be simple or hard to install it.

User usage : Here is an important parameter. User usage should be the driver of everything willing to be as widepread as possible ( online banking for instance). If user find it complicated, he will either find a way to go around it ( and so zeroing the added security protection) or will complain about its usage. In both case YOU lose...  Best idea is may be to find a solution which can increase the security level and giving the user 1 - a feeling of pretection from his bank and 2 - a security measure he likes. 

Code and Licence

I'm not a code writer, so many bunch of code will need to be reviewed and adapted to fit IT products and development policy.
You may find mistakes in the following examples or better way to do it. Please notify me when you detect some.

These tools are free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

Special thanks

Olivier Caleff
Pierre Caron

(updated 2007-07-29)